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Historical development of CNC lathes

Release time:2019-11-27 15:20:42

Numerical control (English name: Numerical Control for short: NC) technology refers to the technology that uses one or more digital instructions composed of numbers, characters and symbols to control the motion of one or more mechanical devices. Numerical control generally uses a general-purpose or special-purpose computer to implement digital program control. Therefore, numerical control is also called computer numerical control (Computerized Numerical Control), referred to as CNC. It is generally called CNC in foreign countries. It usually controls mechanical quantities such as position, angle, and speed, and switching quantities related to the flow of mechanical energy. The production of numerical control depends on
The emergence of data carriers and data operations in binary form. In 1908, a perforated metal sheet interchangeable data carrier was introduced; at the end of the 19th century, a paper-based data carrier with an auxiliary function was invented; Shannon conducted fast data calculation and transmission at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1938 Laid the foundation of modern computers, including computer digital control systems. NC technology is developed in close combination with machine tool control. In 1952, the first CNC machine tool came out, which became an epoch-making event in the history of the world's machinery industry and promoted the development of automation.
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